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New team members at European Aircraft Sales!

Admittedly, they’ve been here a little while now, so it’s definitely time to introduce a couple of new members of the European Aircraft Sales team!

Please join us in properly welcoming our new Administration Manager, Charlotte Werenberg Pedersen, and our new Sales Manager, Danni Gerne Hansen!

Charlotte is keeping our operation on the right course, keeping track of our business, and streamlining our procedures for maximum efficiency. She has gained her experience working in sales and administration for companies like Gumlink and Match Racing Denmark.

Danni has a long history with European Aircraft Sales, as he started his career as a pilot in Air Alpha Aircraft Sales in the late 1990s, where our CEO Bjarne started his own career in aviation some ten years earlier. Danni then went on to fly commercially in companies like Cimber Air and Jet Time, before joining the European Aircraft Sales team this year.
He is working closely with Morten and Bjarne as part of the sales team.

Charlotte Werenberg Pedersen, administration manager
Danni Gerner Hansen, sales manager