A special thank you and merry christmas from us all! And best wishes for 2025.
Two new Piper Archer DX’s delivered to flightshcool in Iceland
There is nothing like following an aircraft on it’s ferry flight home, when an aircraft is being delivered to its new owners.
It makes no difference to us whether the plane is flying from Odense to Malmö or all the way from Florida to Iceland, we follow them on the screen and share in the new owners joy of taking delivery of their new aircraft – and that exiting ‘first flight’ home.
And certainly, all the people involved in the Icelandic Flight Academy had looked forward to receiving their new two Piper Archers with excitement, as was evident the reception they had when they arrived in Reykjavik.
In the video below, you see the two aircraft being welcomed home.
Congratulations to Icelandic Flight Academy on choosing a training aircraft that has the capacity to train many future pilots. We look forward to following them and meeting their pilot students in the future of aviation.
Read more about their flight here. ( the link goes to an external article in Icelandic language, but with nice pictures from their arrival)
Facts about the Piper Archer DX:
Engine: Continental CD155, 155 SHP
Runs on Jet A Fuel: on average 1 USD cheaper than AV gas*.
Fuel burn: average 5,8 gallon per hr.
Range: 850 nm / 1570km
Garmin 1000 Avionics fully integrated glass cockpit.
Download operating costs on Piper Archer DX.
(*source: https://www.iaopa.eu/fuelprices, d. 17 aug.2018)